


Concept, Monad, Composite, Reduction, Oracle


Background. The content of the considered conceptual model is explained through the concepts of “concept”, “monad”, and concept-monadic complementation that is fundamental for the technological programming environment. The concept-monadic environment is a platform that really implements the understanding of programming as a subject-object productive activity – the complementarity of the programming process and its consequence in their cause-effect relation with the dominance of the actual process. It sets the stage for the technologization of programming industry and the creation of adaptive and flexible subject-oriented programming systems. The capabilities of the concept-monadic platform are exemplified by one of its possible implementations – reduction programming technology.

Objective. The purpose of the paper is further development of the concept-monadic foundations of the subject-object technological environment, aimed at creating adaptive and flexible programming systems.

Methods. Methods of introduction, exclusion of abstraction and pragmatic-driven typing, concept-monadic relativization method, reduction method, program algebra method.

Results. Based on the developed conceptual system of concept-monadic and technological environment productive model of reduction environment of programming is created. The concept-monadic model of open-closed programming environment is proposed. For the first time, reduction models of programs and reduction methods of programming are considered as pragmatically conditioned concretization of this environment. It is shown that within the framework of the received concept-monadic system, the tasks and problems that are fundamental for modern programming are correctly set and solved.

Conclusions. Any modern information-technology system should be oriented not so much to the notation of the decisions received, but to support (provide) the productive activity of the subject to obtain them. Effective development of such systems is possible within the framework of a concept-monadic environment that has advanced adaptation tools oriented to take into account the active role of the subject of programming.

Author Biographies

Ihor V. Redko, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Ігор Володимирович Редько

Petro O. Yahanov, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Петро Олексійович Яганов


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