Background. Photocatalytic methods have prospects for use in cleaning and decontamination of organic compounds polluting the territory of Ukraine as a result of military operations – explosives, chemical weapons, fuel and lubricants, pathogens in water and soil; for the degradation of microplastics, etc.
The purpose of the work was to systematize the available data on the possibility of using photocatalytic methods for post-war remediation and restoration of the territories of Ukraine.
Objective. This work is dedicated to systematic analysis of the available data on the possibility of photocatalytic methods application in post-war remediation and restoration of the Ukrainian territories.
Methods. The state-of-the-art in post-war remediation was investigated together with our own experience to evaluate prospectives of advanced oxidation methods, such as photocatalytic ones, in the restoration of ecosystems after war.
Results. The ability of photocatalysts based on to complete mineralization of trinitrotoluene, nerve agents and their model compounds, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, microplastics, and disinfection of pathogens is shown. The perspective of the technology of soil washing with solutions of surfactants and complexones (chelating agents) with subsequent sequential photocatalytic mineralization of organic pollutants and adsorption removal of heavy metals is highlighted. Other data related to the issue of restoration of territories after military operations were discussed. Another noteworthy method – the electro-Fenton process —has been singled out.
Conclusions. Considerable experimental material has been accumulated on the use of photocatalysis and other advanced oxidation processes in laboratory conditions, but practical application is progressing rather slowly. Need to solve the problem of economy and energy consumption to create radiation. Nevertheless, such photocatalysts as titanium dioxide and composites based on it have proven their effectiveness in the process of neutralizing explosives and poisonous substances of chemical weapons. Among the conditions of successful application is a relatively low degree of pollution (<2 g/l) of wastewater, therefore the use of photocatalytic methods for the remediation of territories is appropriate at the stages of post-treatment. It is necessary to optimize the substrate for photocatalysts. This will help solve the problems of stability and scalability of the technology.
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