polarizer, waveguide with iris, waveguide with post, transfer matrix, scattering matrix, differential phase shift, crosspolar discriminationAbstract
Background. Nowadays processing of signal polarizations is widely applied in modern information and telecommunication radio engineering systems for different purposes. Commonly polarization processing is carried out in polarization adaptive antenna systems. The essential elements of such systems are transformation devices for polarization processing. They perform the transformation of the types of polarization and separate the different types to isolated channels. The most simple, effective, technological and actual for analysis are polarizers based on square waveguides with irises and posts.
Objective. The purpose of this work is to improve the electromagnetic characteristics of an adjustable polarizer by creating a mathematical model of such device. The device must provide optimized polarization and matching characteristics.
Methods. The article presents a mathematical model of a waveguide polarizer with irises and posts by the decomposition method using wave transmission and scattering matrices. The developed model takes into account the influence of the polarizer design parameters on its characteristics.
Results. The article contains the results of calculations based on the developed mathematical model of the polarizer. In addition, the results of modelling of the device using the finite element method are presented for comparison. For the developed waveguide polarizer we have compared the polarization characteristics and the matching.
Conclusions. The created mathematical model allows us to effectively analyse the characteristics when the design parameters change. These parameters include the size of the wall of the square waveguide, the heights of the irises and posts, the distance between them, the thickness of the irises and posts. The developed polarizer is recommended for the application in modern telecommunication and radar systems.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Andrew V. Bulashenko, Stepan I. Piltyay, Yelyzaveta I. Kalinichenko, Oleksandr V. Bulashenko

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