



Heat pump system, Ventilation, Air heating, Recirculation, Specific external energy costs


Background. Now the design of heat pump units is a more complex process than the simple selection of a heat pump of the necessary heat capacity to meet the needs of heat supply. When designing heat pump systems, a few factors are considered aimed at finding ways to increase the efficiency of heat pump use and reduce energy use in general.

Objective. The most promising use of heat pump systems, from the energy efficiency perspective, is their use in ventilation and air heating systems of various objects and especially objects with large volumes of premises. The introduction of heat pump technologies in such systems significantly increases their energy efficiency by using the heat of the exhaust air to heat the supply air mixture. The aim of this study is to analyze the energy efficiency of such a heat pump system.

Methods. The article sets out a methodology for analyzing energy efficiency in maintaining comfortable conditions in an industrial building with excessive moisture in the cold season due to the heat pump system of ventilation and air heating with variable exhaust air recirculation depending on the parameters of the outdoor air. A theoretical model of this system is developed, and a numerical analysis of its thermodynamic efficiency is performed.

Results. It is shown that the additional heating of the supply air necessary for heating can be determined through a simple coefficient of proportionality to the temperature difference inside and outside the premises, the value of which is determined by the characteristics of the premises and the air exchange rate. The calculated values of the specific costs of external energy in this system are obtained, which characterize the energy efficiency of its operation, depending on the environmental parameters.

Conclusions. This system for maintaining the temperature and humidity conditions indoors is characterized by high energy efficiency in a wide range of both the parameters of the outdoor air and the parameters of the heat supply object (K coefficient), which is associated with favorable temperature conditions of the heat pump that provide high values of the COP, as well as with the utilization of the heat of the exhaust ventilation air due to partial recirculation.

Author Biographies

Myhailo K. Bezrodny, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Михайло Костянтинович Безродний

Tymofii O. Misiura, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Тимофій Олексійович Місюра


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