
  • Oleksandr Stetsenko National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorskyi", Educational and Scientific Institute of Telecommunication Systems, Ukraine



Background. Certification of electronic trust services in Ukraine faces several problems. These challenges include the need to align with international standards, ensure cryptographic infrastructure is resilient against evolving cyber threats, and align practices with the European Union's eIDAS regulation. In addition, issues related to interoperability, legal frameworks and the overall security of electronic trust services pose significant obstacles.

Objective. Contributing to the strengthening of the national cybersecurity system of Ukraine by solving problems related to the certification of electronic trust services, with an emphasis on cryptographic components and the certification process.

Methods. It involves a multifaceted approach. Study of existing conformity assessment systems, global experience and regulatory mechanisms in leading countries with an emphasis on the EU. Assessment of strengths and weaknesses of current electronic trust services in Ukraine. Comparison of the regulatory framework and technical mechanisms operating for electronic trust services in the EU and Ukraine. Offering practical recommendations for accreditation and conformity assessment systems in Ukraine to bring them into line with the EU eIDAS regulation.

Results. The study provides valuable information about the challenges faced by Ukrainian electronic trust services, especially regarding the assessment of the existing certification system. The benchmarking identifies gaps and opportunities for improvement, focusing on aligning practices with the EU eIDAS regulation. Empirical data provide a detailed understanding of the perspectives and concerns of key stakeholders. The study also identifies specific areas for improvement in the legal and technical aspects of electronic trust services.

Conclusions. There is an urgent need for systematic improvement of the certification of electronic trust services in Ukraine, in particular in cryptographic key certification centers. Addressing these challenges requires a coordinated effort to align practices with international standards, strengthen cybersecurity measures, and promote interoperability. And also emphasizes the importance of constant monitoring, adaptation to new threats and cooperation with international partners to ensure the efficiency and security of electronic trust services in Ukraine.


eIDAS Regulation website,

What are Electronic Trust Services?,

Difference Between Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Encryption,

Digital signature,

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES),

RSA Algorithm in Cryptography,

Elliptic-curve cryptography,

Cryptographic hash function,

Certificate authority,

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