



Background. Application of polymer composites and hydrogels filled with functionalized nanoparticles (in particular, acid-modified laponite and gold) allows their use for filling postoperative cavities, especially after tumor resection, and enhances the effectiveness of early diagnosis of cancer.

Objective. Development of methods for the synthesis of acid-activated laponite, study of its basic physico-chemical properties, methods of its incorporation into thermosensitive hydrogels; studying the possibility of using hybrid materials based on thermosensitive hydrogels and gold nanoparticles in oncological surgery.

Methods. The synthesized materials were characterized by the methods of laser correlation spectroscopy, IR and UV spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, zymography, etc.

Results. Synthesized hybrid polymer systems based on thermosensitive hydrogels with gold nanoparticles can be used to fill postoperative cavities with simultaneous targeted release of the incorporated Albucid as a bacteriostatic. The sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel system with incorporated nanoparticles of acid-modified laponite demonstrated high efficiency in the electrophoretic separation of peripheral blood plasma proteins for the early diagnosis of colorectal cancer.

Conclusions. Acid modification of laponite can serve as a basis for the development of nanoscale therapeutic and diagnostic systems. Synthesized hybrid polymeric materials based on thermosensitive hydrogels and gold nanoparticles can be used to fill postoperative cavities with simultaneous targeted release of the incorporated bacteriostatic drug Albucid.


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