flexible sensors, wearable sensors, disposable sensors, biodegradable electronics, nanocelluloseAbstract
Problems. Rapid technical progress has led to a reduction in the useful life of consumer electronics. The introduction of green, flexible, biodegradable electronic devices will prevent an environmental catastrophe. Recently, the use of organic materials instead of inorganic analogues has become increasingly popular, which makes it possible to move from rigid solid-state sensors for multiple use that require disposal to flexible, disposable sensors that are suitable for human wear on the body or clothing and for spontaneous decomposition in nature after using. One of such promising organic materials is nanocellulose.
The aim of the study. Studying the possibility of nanocellulose application for the manufacture of flexible, wearable, disposable sensors of various types of physical and chemical quantities.
Methodology of implementation. In the article the analysis, classification and comparision of various technologies and features of synthesis, as well as the main characteristics of flexible sensors made on the basis of nanocellulose were fulfilled. Also the main parameters of flexible sensors based on nanocellulose were being compared with corresponding analogs of sensors based on artificial polymers.
Research results. The paper established the physical and technological features of using nanocellulose for the manufacture of sensors of various types of physical and chemical quantities in order to improve their performance. It has been established that nanocellulose can be used both as a substrate and as a sensitive element of a sensor. It has also been shown that nanocellulose is suitable for use in sensors based on both electrical physical phenomena and optical effects.
Conclusions. Nanocellulose is a promising biodegradable material on the basis of which flexible, disposable, wearable sensors can be created. The manufacturing technology of such sensors should contain only low-temperature and dry processing processes. For effective use in certain types of sensors, it is advisable to manufacture nanocellulose with a modified surface or in the form of composites with other nanomaterials. Based on the obtained results, it is possible to improve existing and develop new methods of creating flexible wearable disposable sensors that do not require disposal.
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