DevOps – concept and structural representation




competitive advantage, collaboration, software product management, DevOps processes, DevOps metrics, DevOps concept, DevOps system engineering, DevOps model, DevOps


Problems. Today, along with a huge number of methods, technologies and means of improving business efficiency, the concept of
DevOps (Development & Operations) is also gaining rapid development.
In particular, the application of the DevOps concept in business leads practitioners to the question of the feasibility of application,
formalization of this process, and usually the development of their own DevOps system focused on achieving the specified values of the
metrics of the organizational structure.
Research goal and objectives. The purpose of this article is to study the essence, concept and definition of the DevOps concept,
define the entities of the DevOps concept and formalize the unified DevOps model.
Methods of research. Methodology of comparative analysis of scientific results and engineering practices of DevOps implementation,
systematization of entity classes of the DevOps concept in the form of a Venn diagram, graphic modeling of a unified DevOps model.
Research results. The practical value and effectiveness of DevOps implementation, the lack of theoretical research and justification
of DevOps systems engineering methods, apart from examples of individual patterns and individual architectural solutions of DevOps for
the IT industry, have been established.
The article substantiates and proposes a structural representation of the DevOps concept in the form of a Venn diagram as a system
of entities of production, support, management of production and support processes, and relationships between them. These results make
it possible to choose theoretical and applied tools for the formalization of a unified model of DevOps systems.
Conclusions. The unified model of the DevOps system in the form of a diagram of components and formalized specifications of
the interfaces between these components and the unified model of the DevOps system in the form of a diagram of the activities of these
components make it possible to proceed to the development of well-founded engineering methods of DevOps systems.


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