


web application, optimization, local state of data, Redux, MobXState-Tree, Recoil


Background. The use of various libraries often leads to a decrease in the speed of the web application and the complexity of the execution of the program code. The object of this study is the process of storing and managing the data of the client part of the web application, the subject of the research is the software methods of managing the local state of the data of the web application.

Objective. The goal of the article is the reduction in the data processing time of web applications relative to existing software methods.

Methods. The main idea of ​​the proposed method is to use an atomic approach to the state of the web application data. Having an arbitrary entity, in the general state of the web application, a state fragment is created that is responsible only for this entity. Such a fragment is independent of other state fragments and can only work with the encapsulated entity. Using encapsulation, the configuration of an entity is passed to the React Context API as an object containing data and functions that modify it.

Results. The developed framework method was compared with popular state management libraries Redux, MobXState-Tree and Recoil. Comparing each of the test scenarios in a percentage ratio, an average decrease in program execution time by 17% was obtained.

Conclusions. The Redux, MobXState-Tree, and Recoil libraries were selected for the research of existing software methods. The analysis of methods was performed using the SonarQube utility. To evaluate the results of the software methods, the Google Chrome browser utility DevTools was used. The proposed optimized software method allows to reduce the data processing time and optimize the state management of web applications.

  Keywords: web application, optimization, local state of data, Redux, MobXState-Tree, Recoil.

Author Biography

Lyubov Оleshchenko, Computer Systems Software Department of National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute»

Доцент кафедри програмного забезпечення комп'ютерних систем Факультету прикладної математики


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