Development and research of refrigeration cycle with biagent jet compressor




ejection volume coefficient, refrigeration coefficient, ejector, biagent jet compressor, working fluid, refrigeration unit


Background. Currently, in the cycles of steam-ejector refrigeration machines (SERM) are used monoagent jet compressors, the working body in which is water. Despite their low efficiency, SERM have a number of advantages over refrigeration machines that use
mechanical compressors: low cost, ease of manufacture and reliability. The use of SERM is largely limited by the inability of these installations to reach temperatures below 0 °C. This limitation can be overcome by applying a fundamentally new steam compression
cycle using a bioagent (water-freon) jet compressor (BAJC).
Objective. The purpose of the paper is experimentally confirm the operability of a refrigeration machine operating on a steam compression cycle using a bioagent (water-freon) jet compressor. Determine the efficiency of the experimental refrigeration machine and
find the optimal geometric characteristics of the jet compressor.
Methods. An experimental stand was created to study the refrigeration plant using BAJC. The refrigeration machine efficiency e was determined according to the developed method.
Results. Experimental values of the cooling machine coefficient e were obtained depending on the change in the ejection coefficient q of BAJC. The maximum machine coefficient values emax = 1,3 ÷ 1, 4 correspond to those of the ejection coefficient q opt ≈опт 0, 25q 0,25, which also achieves the maximum efficiency h ≈max 0,35 ÷ 0, 45 of the BAJC.
Conclusions. The efficiency of a refrigeration unit operating on a steam compression cycle using a bioagent (water-freon) jet compressor has been experimentally confirmed. To expand the temperature spectrum of the cycle in the direction of lowering the boiling
points in the evaporator (tboilt −≤кип 20 °C), it is planned to modernise the laboratory bench by using aqueous salt solutions as a coolant.




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