


concept map, ontologies in education, educational systems, information and learning systems, e-learning, knowledge graph, conceptual graph, lifelong learning


Background. The hypermedia environment, which has received a powerful technical infrastructure thanks to the WWW, has led to the study and emergence of new forms and tools of information and educational content presentation. Various methods and means of visualization of educational information increase clarity and facilitate the process of new knowledge perception. Such tools include a wide range of concept maps that have become widespread in many areas related to information technology and education. The challenge here is to find comprehensive solutions that will reduce computing and labor costs for the multifunctional use of concept maps in information and learning systems.

Objective. The work is focused on the review of concept maps, research of preconditions for their origin, analysis of their types and purposes of application in the educational process and learning systems. The main task is to analyze the requirements for interactive concept maps in ontology-oriented information systems to support lifelong learning.

Methods. The use of concept maps in educational systems is based on knowledge modeling, graph theory, ontological modeling of educational content and methods of adaptive e-learning systems. The paper reviews and analyzes the application of concept maps and requirements for them within the information and learning systems.

Results. Concept maps have significant foundation in cognitive and educational psychology, computational linguistics, knowledge engineering and have widespread application in computer supported learning. Concept maps are used as a means of meaningful learning when constructed by students, used to assess knowledge, as well as a means of navigating information resources. Concept maps in educational systems are used to present knowledge to users and serve as interfaces in the process of exploratory search and review of study areas. Information systems provide enrichment of concept maps by means of interactivity, which allows diversifying and expanding its use.

Conclusions. The key requirements for interactive concept maps in information and learning systems are formed, including automation of interactive concept map construction, availability of wide navigation capabilities together with cognitive load control, implementation of interdisciplinary links, media annotation of map elements, complex application of graph interfaces for different parts of the system and adaptation to mobile devices.


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