


electricity distribution system, distribution system planning, UML, information platform, Smart Grid


Background. Implementation of the Smart Grid concept in Ukraine is under consideration, and it should become an integral part of the electricity distribution systems planning. One of the outstanding issues is exchanging the information on the distribution systems development between all stakeholders using modern information and communication solutions.

Objective. The purpose of the research is to develop a generalized model of information platform for electricity distribution system planning and expansion of Smart Grid technologies in the energy system of Ukraine.

Methods. The experience of the European Union (EU) in electricity distribution system planning, and specifically, the organization of interaction between stakeholders was analyzed. With the help of a system approach, the requirements of the existing in Ukraine laws and regulations on electricity distribution system planning were investigated. The model structure of the proposed information platform was formalized by the graphical tools of the unified modeling language (UML).

Results. It is determined that the EU organizes the information exchange for the purposes of electricity distribution system planning, using different tools in parallel: specialized institutions for communication of stakeholders; cooperation of energy regulators; reports of scientific institutions about Smart Grid project implementation; information technology platforms for modeling the electricity distribution system in cooperation with its users. The existing in Ukraine scheme of interaction between all actors directly or indirectly involved in electricity distribution system planning was investigated; it was proposed to develop an information technology platform “Ukrainian Smart Energy – USE” to eliminate the identified negative aspects of information exchange between the actors. The generalized structure of the USE platform was formalized using a UML class diagram; it shows the content of data available for viewing and required for publication by different classes of the platform users, depending on their functions.

Conclusions. The proposed model of information platform USE is the basis for further investigations directed to develop an appropriate information technology platform.


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